SecureVideo Cart: Configure Cart options

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SecureVideo Med Cart software allows a user to seamlessly alternate between videoconferencing equipment and medical perpherial devices. (This bundled software includes the Zoom videoconferencing app, so Zoom will not need to be installed separately. If Zoom is already installed on the computer, it will just overwrite; you don't need to uninstall Zoom.)  To request a quote to use the Med Cart software on your account, please contact our Sales Team at [email protected] .


This article details the configuration process for the SecureVideo Med Cart software. The Windows 10 or Windows 11 operating system is required.


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1. Find the SecureVideo logo in the system tray, and right click on it. In the menu that appears, click "Configure Cart".

Options: "Configure Cart" and "Exit application"



2. This will bring up a blank menu. Click on the plus sign in the lower left hand corner to add your first cart button. 

SecureVideo Cart Configuration menu, with plus/minus sign buttons in lower right hand corner, and "Save" and "Cancel" buttons in lower right



3. Select which type of option you want to add:

  • Change device selections and/or share app: select this option to create a button with a specific function.
  • Separator bar: select this option to create a line that you can use to separate buttons within the cart menu.


Add Option Selector: Select the type of option you wish to add: (radio buttons) Change device selections and/or share app, Separator bar; Buttons: "OK", "Cancel"



4. When creating a button to change device selections and/or share app, you'll see this menu appear: 

  • Enabled: If this box is checked, then this button will appear within the cart menu on the browser. 
  • Description: Enter a description for the button.
    • Show in button: If selected, the button will display the text from the "Description" field.
    • Show in tooltip: If selected, the text from the "Description" field will appear if a mouse cursor is hovering over this cart button. 
  • Icon: If you would like to display an icon within your button, you can select from available icons here.
  • Button color: The color of this button; some draws from certain colors set as part of the account's branding settings.
    • Primary: Select this option to use the same color as the Primary button color. 
    • Default: Select this option to use the same color as the Secondary button color.
    • Info: Light blue background with white text.
    • Success: Light green background with white text.
    • Warning: Light orange background with white text.
    • Danger: Red background with white text.
    • Link: White background with blue text.
  • USB Devices
    • Camera: Select the driver for the camera that you would like this button to switch to.
    • Microphone: Select the driver for the microphone that you would like this button to switch to.
    • Speaker: Select the driver for the speaker that you would like this button to switch to.
  • App Sharing
    • No change: Leave this default option if you would like this button to leave all sharing settings as is.
    • Stop sharing: Select this option if you would like this button to stop sharing any window.
    • Share app: Select this option if you would like this button to launch and an application and start sharing it (or to show you the sharing options to select the newly opened window).
      • If this option is selected, another set of options appears to allow you to set the app launch path. (In the example below, the app selected was Firefox.)
        • Additional Fields:
          • Path: Find the Windows path for this application.
          • Args: Command-line arguments that will be passed (if provided) to the application you are sharing. Check your application's documentation for valid command-line arguments.
            • Example: If sharing a browser application, enter the URL here of the page you would like to launch. By default, this will launch in a new tab.
              • Chrome: if you would like to launch the URL in a new window in Chrome, add "--new-window" in front of the URL (include a space in between or the window will open without going to the URL).
              • Firefox: if you would like to launch the URL in a new window in Firefox, add "-new-window" in front of the URL (include a space in between or the window will open without going to the URL).
          • Share computer sound (checkbox): Check this option if you would like the audio from the application window to be shared directly. (For example, an app to view audio wave lines at the same time as listening to audio from a stethoscope or other device.)  
  • Click "Save" when you have finished all changes OR click the plus sign to create another button. Clicking "Save" will save all of your changes and exit configuration.

Medical cart option for changing device selections and/or sharing an app              Cart configuration options: App Sharing with Firefox example



This article was last reviewed by our Support team on February 17, 2022.